Ponar and the will to remember: Holocaust commemorations in Soviet Lithuania | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 3, Issue 1
  • E-ISSN: 2666-5050



This article explores the post-war history of the largest mass murder site in Lithuania, Ponar, and attempts by Jewish survivors to commemorate Holocaust victims during the period of Soviet occupation (1944–1990). The research shows that in spite of the ruling authorities creating significant obstacles for the small Jewish population to hold commemorations and over the course of the various physical transformations of Ponar, the site remained one of the most significant and most symbolic for Jewish identity and Jewish resistance to state policies.


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  2. Complaints (1946) Complaints and Correspondence on Issues of Religious Cults (for the year 1946), Lithuanian Central State Archives, fond R-181, collection 1, case 10.
  3. Complaints (1947) Complaints and Correspondence on Issues of Religious Cults (for the year 1947), Lithuanian Central State Archives, fond R-181, collection 1, case 17.
  4. Complaints (1948) Complaints and Correspondence on Issues of Religious Cults (for the year 1948), Lithuanian Central State Archives, fond R-181, collection 1, case 26.
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