Volume 27, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1384-5845
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1171



Dutch is used to mark emotions and feelings which cause bodily reactions and mental states in combinations such as ‘shiver with fear’, ‘speechless with astonishment’ and ‘beam with self-confidence’. The classification of emotions along the four dimensions of evaluation (valence), potency (control), activation (arousal) and (un)predictability of Fontaine (2006) is discussed and shown to be of linguistic interest. Predicates such as ‘beam’ or ‘to cry (it) out’ have strong collocation relations with words denoting emotional extremes on one of the four axes, such as high valence or high arousal. While most of the paper is devoted to the construction with causative , some suggestive evidence from adverbs of degree is offered to make a broader case for the usefulness of the four dimensions in linguistic research.


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