Volume 48, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1781-7838
  • E-ISSN: 1783-1792



This article unifies a recently located collection of 202 Moré examination responsa written by 48 rabbinical candidates in the Netherlands over the period 1843-1963. The Peri Ets Haim Ha-Hadash derives its name from its connection to the Peri Ets Haim, a monthly journal of responsa written by senior rabbinical students at the Ets Haim Yeshiva over the period 1728-1807. The examiners selected the questions that address the most frequently encountered issues in their practice, which indirectly inform Jewish life during that period. This paper makes the complete collection accessible online via a table of links to the responsa, clickable in the online edition, together with an index of subject(s) each responsa addresses.


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