Volume 41, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1573-9775
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1236



In this article the contribution of the editor in the book production process of Dutch general publishing companies is explored. Editors are involved in and responsible for text evaluation in two stages of the book production process. Results from book publishing studies show the underlying criteria for the acquisition of new books. The editor evaluates whether a new work is saleable, important for the identity of the publishing company, based on agreements with the author, and editable. When the book proposal or manuscript has been accepted by the publisher the editing process starts. In this institutional context a good relation between editor and author is important. The editor is of service to the author and the book. By his knowledge of texts he should motivate and convince the author to rewrite his text, and in most cases has to accept it when the author rejects the proposed changes. By using the CCC-model Renkema, (2002; 2012) as an analytical instrument for text genetics, we see that editors propose changes when the aim of the text does not correspond with the needs of the intented reader, if the text is not consistent, or if the text is not correct.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): book production; editing; publishing; tasks editor; text evaluation
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