Volume 21, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0921-5077
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7235


The Tilburg Psychological Contract Questionnaire

The Tilburg Psychological Contract Questionnaire

C. Freese, R. Schalk & M. Croon, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 21, August 2008, nr. 3, pp. 278-294.

The development of the Tilburg Psychological Contract Questionnaire (TPCQ) is described. Criteria are formulated that psychological contract measures should meet. The theoretical background and the psychological contract items of the TPCQ are described. With exploratory factor analysis five perceived organizational obligation scales are revealed: job content, career development, social atmosphere, organizational policies and rewards. Two perceived employee obligation scales were found: in-role behaviour and extra-role behaviour. A separate violations scale was developed. The psychometric features of the scales (including test-retest reliability) were sufficient. Construct validity was assessed with regression analysis on affective commitment, continuance commitment and intention to turnover. Organizational policies, violations and both perceived employee obligations scales were predictors of affective commitment, intention to turnover and to a lesser extent continuance commitment.


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