‘Ow god, die snobs zien ons weer aan voor een levend laboratorium’ | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 18, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1385-1535
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7324


‘Ow god, those snobs see us as a living laboratory again.’ Participatory Internet research with Moroccan-Dutch young people

‘Ow god, those snobs see us as a living laboratory again.’ Participatory Internet research with Moroccan-Dutch young people

This article covers participatory Internet research strategies with Moroccan-Dutch youth. As the Internet is not a singular entity, informants were stimulated to research with the author the variety of their digital experiences by inviting them to draw an Internet map. Additionally, inviting informants to save and select instant messaging conversation transcripts enabled the collection of non-publicly accessible Internet communication. Not only do these strategies facilitate a bridging of the gap between researchers and informants, they are also useful to make informed decisions about what to include and exclude in the study of digital culture.


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