Achter de feiten aan leren | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 31, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0169-2216
  • E-ISSN: 2468-9424


Learning lags behind events; does training help older employees recover from perceived skills shortages

Learning lags behind events; does training help older employees recover from perceived skills shortages

Organizational and technological changes are occurring ever more rapidly, and employees are faced with increasing deficits in their knowledge. Because of this, not only is individual employability under pressure, but also the competitiveness and innovativeness of companies and institutions. Remedying or even preventing these knowledge deficits are therefore an important challenge for both employer and employee. The need to address these deficits is even more applicable for the vulnerable group of workers that are low skilled and older. Using data from more than 7,000 older workers who participated in the longitudinal STREAM panel study, this study shows that only substantial training contributes to the reduction of a knowledge deficit. Instructions at work and short courses do not. Between older workers with lower levels of education and intermediate or highly educated older workers and between older workers in stable organizations and older workers in unstable organizations were found in the contribution of substantial training to the reduction of knowledge deficits.


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