Volume 25, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1385-1535
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7324


Choices with impact: Retrospection and reflection on the ethical dimension of a practice-oriented research project using the Most Significant Change Technique

In this publication, we reflect on our use of the Most Significant Change Technique (Davies & Dart, 2005) in a research project on the ethical impact of a training program for social professionals. This method had never before been used in the field of empirical ethics. We describe how we applied the method and account for some alterations we made to bring it in line with the goal of our research. We also illustrate how the analysis of stories, written by participants, as well as the analysis of discussions about these stories with relevant stakeholders (service users, colleagues and managers), led to a stimulating process during which new insights emerged. Reflecting on the results, we conclude that the MSC technique, slightly changed, could be very useful when doing research on the ethical impact of training programs. The narrative component in particular is valuable, in combination with the fact that all relevant stakeholders can contribute in an equivalent way.


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