Volume 23, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1384-5845
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1171



This paper discusses how the phonologies of Dutch, West-Frisian and Afrikaans are represented in Taalportaal, a digital grammar of the three West-Germanic languages. These languages have similar consonant inventories, but differ in the vowel phonemes that they use. The phonological processes and phonotactic restrictions that refer to laryngeal properties are comparable in the three languages, but for other processes and phonotactic restrictions, it is not quite clear in how far they occur in all three languages or in how far they are unique for one individual language. This part seems to be incomplete in Taalportaal. For Dutch, West-Frisian, and Afrikaans, we find different descriptions of word stress assignment and it is therefore difficult to find the underlying generalisations. Also, the part on phonological processes at morpheme boundaries and other cases of phonology-morphology interaction lack a full description in Taalportaal. Nevertheless, this platform will be highly appreciated by linguists and other researchers who are interested in the sound systems of the languages represented in Taalportaal.


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