Volume 28, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 1384-5845
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1171



This paper aims to revisit the Dutch Binominal Expressive Construction (cf. ) through an extensive corpus study and to explore its comparability with a potential morphological counterpart in the form of a [N N] compound. We focus on four positively-connotated N, namely ‘treasure’, ‘dream’, ‘splendor, beauty’ and ‘miracle’, three of which occur in both the syntactic and the morphological pattern (e.g. ‘lit. a treasure of a child’ ‘lit. a treasure child’ ‘a dream of a house’ ‘a dream house’ ‘a beauty of a daughter’ ‘lit. a beauty daughter’, ‘a wonder of a woman’ ‘a wonder woman’). The differences and similarities between the various patterns are determined through a corpus analysis of their semantic and formal properties, as well as their frequency and productivity. On the theoretical level, the case study will allow us to address the question whether the syntactic and morphological patterns are complementary or in competition with each other. We will show that some subpatterns form good alternates (e.g. [ N2] vs. [N2]), while others are used in quite divergent ways ([ N2] vs. [-N2]).


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