Volume 41, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1573-9775
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1236



This study investigates the use of Conversational Human Voice (CHV) by a Dutch Public Transport (PT) operator in reactive webcare conversations with travelers on private and public social media channels and the effect of this use on the traveler’s sentiment during the conversation. In this study, CHV is unraveled into eight aspects. 244 conversations were analyzed, selected from the PT-operator’s public and private social media channels. Messages sent by the PT companies were coded for CHV; messages of travelers were coded for sentiment. The aspects and were used the most often by the PT operator. Use of CHV is similar on private social networks and public social networks, with the exception of (used more on private social networks) and (used more on public social networks). Furthermore, results show that the use of has a positive effect on the traveler’s sentiment.


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