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- Volume 25, Issue 1, 2009
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken - Volume 25, Issue 1, 2009
Volume 25, Issue 1, 2009
De oudere werknemer na de kredietcrisis
Door Peter SmuldersThe effect of demands and resources on work stress in the Netherlands and FlandersThe effect of demands and resources on work stress in the Netherlands and Flanders
In this article, four large samples of the Dutch (2002 and 2004) and Flemish (2004 and 2007) working population are used to test the robustness of a research model, based on the Job Demands-Resources model. The aim is to find empirical evidence for the context independence and generalisability of the main and interaction effects in the model. Results are compared both in time and between regions. The hypothesised main effects proved to be significant in all four datasets: job demands induce and job resources reduce work related stress. No empirical evidence is found for the generalisability of the hypothesised interaction effects. We conclude that these buffering and amplifying interaction effects seem to be context dependent, i.e., dependent on measurement year and country or region. The practical implication of the study is that one may not assume that job resources buffer the negative effects of job demands on work stress. Thus, managing work stress is best helped by limiting work pressure and home-work interference.
Beelden van de productiviteit van ouderen bij werkgevers en werknemers
Auteurs: Harry van Dalen, Kène Henkens & Joop SchippersEmployers and employees on the productivity of older workersEmployers and employees on the productivity of older workers
The employers' perception of the productivity of younger and older workers is a major determinant of their HRM- and hiring policies with respect to both groups of workers. Using information from surveys among employers and employees we study employers' perceptions of younger and older workers, compare these perceptions with the perceptions held by employees and analyse the major determinants of these perceptions. Employers' perceptions appear to be determined primarily by factors like mental and physical capacity. Employees' overall perceptions depend more on 'soft' factors like loyalty, commitment and social skills.
Financiële prikkels en geprefereerde pensioenleeftijd
Auteurs: Marcel Kerkhofs, Didier Fouarge & Peter EsterFinancial incentives and preferred pension ageFinancial incentives and preferred pension age
In view of the changing age composition of the Dutch labour force it is deemed essential that people continue to work till higher ages than they currently do. This may be achieved by changing the financial incentives in pension schemes. Two well-known mechanisms from economic theory apply. Firstly, lower pensions may, through an income effect, induce people to postpone retirement. Secondly, a substitution effect is at work if retiring at later ages is made financially more attractive relative to retiring at earlier ages.
In this article we use a stated preference approach in order to study the effect of financial incentives on the retirement decision of workers. For that purpose we have asked participants of the CentERpanel at what age they would retire if they had to choose from a plausible range of retirement options. The choice options differ between respondents, reflecting different combinations of substitution and income effects. Regarding the decision to fully stop working at some age, workers appear to be responsive to both types of incentives, albeit more so to the substitution effect. If retirement is gradual, by a stepwise reduction of working hours, the difference between both types of incentives is small.
CBS-berichten: Verschuivingen in het arbeidspotentieel van ouderen
Auteurs: Ferdy Otten & Clemens SiermannIn de afgelopen jaren zijn tal van beleidsmaatregelen genomen om de arbeidsparticipatie van ouderen te verhogen. Zo werd in 2006, ter indamming van de voortijdige uitstroom van ouderen uit de arbeidsmarkt, de fiscale bijdrage aan VUT- en prepensioenregelingen afgeschaft en is eerder de fiscale arbeidskorting van werkende ouderen verhoogd. Ook heeft de Minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SZW) in 2008 voorstellen gedaan voor invoering van een flexibele AOW en beëindiging van het automatisch ontslag met 65 jaar. Dit om de oudere werknemer, op vrijwillige basis, ook na het 65ste levensjaar te kunnen laten doorwerken. Echter, aan het advies van de commissie Bakker (2008) om de pensioengerechtigde leeftijd trapsgewijs te verhogen naar het 67ste levensjaar werd in eerste instantie geen beleidsmatige invulling gegeven. Als gevolg van de kredietcrisis staat deze optie inmiddels wel weer hoog op de politieke agenda.
De invloed van werk en organisatie op innovatief werkgedrag
Auteurs: Frank Pot, Karolus Kraan & Seth van den BosscheWork characteristics and innovative work behaviour: results from the Netherlands' Working Conditions SurveyWork characteristics and innovative work behaviour: results from the Netherlands' Working Conditions Survey
Innovation has become an important issue in many organisations, from business sectors to health care. Most research on conditions that enhance innovation is about markets, technology and strategy. Little research has been done on the innovative behaviour of employees and the factors that are connected to that behaviour. In a representative sample survey of the Dutch working population, we investigated to what extent work characteristics and an innovative organisational climate do affect innovative work behaviour (contributing to better and/or new products and/or services). The variance of innovative work behaviour can be explained to a large extent by innovative organisational climate and work variety, to some extent by task autonomy and external contacts. Neither social support from supervisor or colleagues, nor HR-policies appear to be important. Contrary to our expectation, quantitative job demands do not hinder innovative work behaviour; a weak positive correlation was shown.
Effecten van beleid: is meten weten?
Door Marcel EinerhandIn sociaaleconomisch beleid en wetenschap zijn we vaak op zoek naar de keten van oorzaak en gevolg. Veel (beleids)onderzoek heeft echter een beperkte reikwijdte, zowel wat betreft het onderzoeksonderwerp als wat betreft de tijdsdimensie. Wij analyseren statistisch dus zeer nauwkeurig afgebakende problemen en processen, maar missen de middelen en de tijd om de consequenties ook op wat langere termijn in beeld te krijgen. De vele factoren die uiteindelijk belangrijke maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen bepalen, kunnen we daarom vaak alleen schetsmatig duiden.
Daalt in Nederland de arbeidsmoraal? Een alternatieve verklaring voor tijdsschaarste
Auteurs: Rudi Wielers & Dennis RavenAre work values in the Netherlands decreasing? An alternative explanation for time scarcityAre work values in the Netherlands decreasing? An alternative explanation for time scarcity
During the 1990's, complaints about a lack of time have increased in the Netherlands. Popular explanations of time scarcity, like an increased workload and an increase of the labour force participation, do not seem satisfactory for the Netherlands. In this article, the hypothesis that work values in the Netherlands are declining will be tested using the OSA Labour Supply Panel for the period 1988-2004. The results show time scarcity has increased during this period, as the decrease of preferred working hours exceeded the decrease of actual working hours. They also show that work is taking an increasingly less central position in people's lives. Furthermore, regression analyses show centrality of work has, next to the effect of some situational factors, a moderate but stable effect on preferred working hours in the period 1988-1996. The most important conclusion is that work plays a decreasingly central role in the life of the Dutch, and as a consequence working hours are decreasing.
Discriminatie bij sollicitaties van hogeropgeleide allochtonen?
Auteurs: Nuray Altintas, Warsha Maniram & Justus VeenmanDiscrimination of higher educated migrants?Discrimination of higher educated migrants?
The core question in this article is whether discrimination exists towards higher educated immigrants in the Netherlands. We used two methods to answer this question: so-called 'paired testing' in the form of correspondence analysis, and an additional resume analysis. The first method is based on letters from fictitious applicants, reacting on real vacancies. The content of the letters and resumes were as identical as possible, while the candidates differed in ethnic origin. The second method uses almost identical resumes, placed on vacancy websites. Again the (fictitious) candidates differ in ethnic origin. In both cases the analyses focus on differences in reaction (whether or not the candidates are invited for a job interview). The results are such that we can not establish discrimination.
This outcome does not conclude the discussion on labour market discrimination, since we did not investigate the final job offer to the different candidates. Furthermore, our research method is restricted to recruitment through job advertisements and vacancy sites. This means that recruitment via networks stays behind the scene. Finally, it is possible that our findings are related to the actual tightened labour market situation that restricts employers' discrimination chances.
Onderzoeksnotitie: De voorspelling van werkstress in Nederland en Vlaanderen
Auteurs: Joris Van Ruysseveldt, John Taverniers & Peter SmuldersThe effect of demands and resources on work stress in the Netherlands and FlandersThe effect of demands and resources on work stress in the Netherlands and Flanders
In this article, four large samples of the Dutch (2002 and 2004) and Flemish (2004 and 2007) working population are used to test the robustness of a research model, based on the Job Demands-Resources model. The aim is to find empirical evidence for the context independence and generalisability of the main and interaction effects in the model. Results are compared both in time and between regions. The hypothesised main effects proved to be significant in all four datasets: job demands induce and job resources reduce work related stress. No empirical evidence is found for the generalisability of the hypothesised interaction effects. We conclude that these buffering and amplifying interaction effects seem to be context dependent, i.e., dependent on measurement year and country or region. The practical implication of the study is that one may not assume that job resources buffer the negative effects of job demands on work stress. Thus, managing work stress is best helped by limiting work pressure and home-work interference.
Voorspellers van toekomstige inzetbaarheid van psychologiestudenten
Auteurs: Nele De Cuyper, Hans De Witte, Anja Van den Broeck & Sylvie De MeyerAntecedents of future employability among psychology studentsAntecedents of future employability among psychology students
The aim of the present study is to investigate possible antecedents of perceived employability in a sample of psychology students (N = 370). Employability is defined as the perceived chances of employment (quantitative employability) or employment according to the educational profile (qualitative employability). The antecedents concern individual characteristics: human capital (study results and the number of repeated years), social capital (educational level of the student's mother and father), attitudes (work involvement) and personality (self-esteem). We furthermore investigate the extent to which contextual variables (the specific study discipline) contribute in explaining variance in perceived employability. The results show that self-esteem and a major in clinical psychology contribute in explaining quantitative employability. Self esteem is positively and a major in clinical psychology is negatively related to quantitative employability. The number of repeated years and a major in clinical psychology are negatively related to qualitative employability, and the mother's educational level and self-esteem are positively related to qualitative employability.
Sinds de invoering van de Economische Monetaire Unie is de inrichting van ons stelsel van arbeidsverhoudingen haast ongemerkt weer van groter belang geworden. Nadat de overheid belangrijke economische sturingsmiddelen in Europese handen heeft overgedaan, bleef het aanpassingsvermogen van de nationale arbeidsmarkt over. En dat was nu precies het terrein waar de overheid sinds het Akkoord van Wassenaar van 1982 zich meer op afstand had gezet en meer zou overlaten aan sociale partners.
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