Volume 18, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 0921-5077
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7235


The value of the DASS in absence policies: Sensitivity and specificity of a psychopathology measure

The value of the DASS in absence policies: Sensitivity and specificity of a psychopathology measure

Veerle Brenninkmeijer, Roland W.B. Blonk, Karen Nieuwenhuijsen & Edwin de Beurs, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 18, August 2005, pp. 210-227

In the present study we examined to what extent the DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scales) is able to discriminate between healthy individuals, individuals with a stress-related disorder, and individuals with more serious psychopathology (anxiety or affective disorder). Differences between groups were first examined with a one-way analysis. Using ROC-curves we subsequently determined the discriminative power and the cut-off points of the DASS. This study shows the discriminative power of the DASS-42 and the DASS-21 in detecting a stress-related disorder, a clinical anxiety disorder, and depression. It is concluded that the DASS is a highly useful instrument for occupational health care, which can improve an effective use of interventions for sick employees.


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