oa Leiderschap in organisaties: tot besluit
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 18, Issue 4, dec. 2005,
- Vorig Artikel
- Inhoudsopgave
- Volgend Artikel
Leadership in organizations: final remarks
Claartje Vinkenburg, Paul L. Koopman & Deanne N. Den Hartog, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 18, August 2005, pp. 228-233
In the last two volumes of the journal Gedrag & Organisatie a series of seven articles on 'Leadership in organizations' has been published, presenting recent and ongoing research in the Netherlands. The contributions varied in terms of content and research methods applied. The focus of attention was on transformational or charismatic leadership and on participative leadership. In addition, other issues seem to emerge such as implicit leadership theories, perceptions of leadership, and the role of emotion in leadership. The guest editors plead for more diversity in research methods in future research in this field.