Volume 24, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 0921-5077
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7235


Continuing working until the pension age? Relations between work characteristics and the estimated work ability

Continuing working until the pension age? Relations between work characteristics and the estimated work ability

Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 24, November 2011, nr. 4, pp. 392-410.The Dutch and Belgian government attempts to let employees work longer with financial measures in order to solve the threatening shortness of labor forces. Until today this approach seems to be less successful. For this reason this study investigated, within the frame of the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, whether the job characteristics workload, emotional and physical demands, cognitive demands, learning opportunities, autonomy and relation with the supervisor are related to someone’s expectation to be able to continue his job until the pension age. This study found several new practical and theoretical insights. It turned out that there were significant relations for workload, emotional and physical demands, learning opportunities and autonomy with someone’s expectation to be able to continue his job until the pension age. Psychological exhaustion as well as work pleasure had a mediating role in these relations. Using multiple mediation model analysis the research model was tested on the data of 2107 employees of 50 year or older of the Flemish Workability Monitor 2007.


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