Volume 27, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 0169-2216
  • E-ISSN: 2468-9424


The relationship between job dissatisfaction and turnover intentions: does education make a difference?

The relationship between job dissatisfaction and turnover intentions: does education make a difference?

This article poses that educational background matters in the relationship between job dissatisfaction and turnover intentions. The first part of this cross-sectional study (N=15,661) examines to what extent work dissatisfiers differentiate between employees with a different educational background because of differences in work values. In the second part, the possible differences in the manifestation of turnover intentions between lower- and higher-educated employees are examined. Here, we report the results of a study including 13.528 Dutch employees. The results of two different analyses indicate that for lower-educated employees a lack of extrinsic work characteristics relates stronger to job dissatisfaction than for the higher-educated employees for whom the lack of intrinsic work characteristics is a more salient work dissatisfier. In reaction to job dissatisfaction this study shows that dissatisfied higher-educated workers show more search behaviour than dissatisfied lower-educated workers. The results provide insight in a process in which lower-educated workers run a higher risk of getting stuck in a job that for their own reasons does not fit (anymore).


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