Volume 25, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0921-5077
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7235


Social and I&O psychologists working at business schools: A sin or sane?

Social and I&O psychologists working at business schools: A sin or sane?

Over the last years, more and more social and industrial and organizational psychologists in The Netherlands started to work at business schools. This article describes the causes of this trend. Moreover, it outlines the differences in research between social psychology, I&O psychology and organizational behavior (at the business schools). The paper concludes with two possible scenarios for the future. In a pessimistic scenario, driven by budget cuts and to some extent based on current trends in the United States, one of the three disciplines disappears. In a more optimistic scenario, the borders between the three fields fade away. In this scenario, interdisciplinarity is a key issue. This last scenario calls for a clear positioning of the three disciplines, and also for strong cooperation between them.


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