oa Waar ontmoeten partners elkaar? - Sociale differentiatie in ontmoetingsplaatsen
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Mens & Maatschappij, Volume 85, Issue 2, jun. 2010, p. 176 - 195
Where do partners meet? Social differentiation in meeting places .
Meeting places form a vital link in the process of partner choice, in which preferences, norms and opportunities to meet partners play a role. Using the ‘Onderzoek Gezinsvorming’ 2003, we find that the partner market is segmented by relationship career, education, age, religion and geography. Public places are popular among youngsters, the lower educated, Catholics and the rural population. Socalled ‘closed’ places are meeting places for the higher educated, partners in the repartnering market, young adults, the re-reformed and city dwellers. Those meeting in private settings tend to have a lower level of education, to be Muslim and to have grown up abroad.