oa Zich verzoenen met het voorzetselvoorwerp
Over de invloed van Vandeweghe (2011)
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Nederlandse Taalkunde, Volume 25, Issue 2-3, okt. 2020, p. 269 - 279
- 01 okt. 2020
Reconciling with the prepositional object. On the influence ofVandeweghe (2011)
In this paper I argue for the positive aspects of the claim in Vandeweghe (2011) that there are two types of prepositional object: a primary and a secondary type, which have a different relationship to the predicate. The most discussed consequence of this theory is that it allows a simple sentence to contain two prepositional objects provided that they have a different hierarchical status. Here I focus on sentences with only one possible secondary prepositional object and no other objects. These sentences show that a fixed preposition is not a sufficient condition for a PP to be considered a secondary prepositional object; the preposition should also be used in a non-literal, abstract way. When it is difficult to decide whether this is the case, other semantic properties have to be taken into account, such as the reciprocal character of the predicate.