oa De vinger aan de pols van het pluricentrische Nederlands in de Lage Landen1
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Nederlandse Taalkunde, Volume 27, Issue 2, okt. 2022, p. 186 - 197
- 01 okt. 2022
The research of Dirk Geeraerts and his team has extensively documented, analyzed and discussed the diachronic and synchronic (stylistic) stratification of Belgian and Netherlandic Dutch, and the relationship between the two. While its relevance for the sociolinguistics of the Low Countries cannot be overestimated, due to its substantive and methodological coherence and rigor, it also transcends Dutch variational linguistics. More specifically, the lectometric approach provides an instrument for measuring the distance between varieties of pluricentric languages and for finetuning the concept of (de)standardization. Finally, the wide variety of case studies produced by Geeraerts and colleagues fuel the debate on the position of (sub)standard Dutch in Flanders.