Volume 28, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1384-5845
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1171



This article presents the results from a corpus-based investigation of the word order variation observed in verb clusters with ‘receptive’ or ‘semipassive’ ‘to get’ + a past participle, i.e. between the order in and the one in ‘that he was handed (literally: got handed) the book’. In contrast to the same word order variation in clusters with the much more frequent (and much older) auxiliaries ‘to have’, ‘to be’ and ‘to be/ become’, which has been the subject of numerous existing studies, including multifactorial corpus-based work by De Sutter (2005, 2007, etc.) and Bloem, Versloot & Weerman (2014, 2017), the variation in -clusters has never been investigated before, barring a preliminary study by Colleman & Rens (2016). A mixed-effects logistic regression analysis of data culled from a diachronic corpus of Dutch newspaper texts shows (i) that the variation in -clusters, though it is fairly new, is driven by largely the same language-internal factors as the variation in clusters with etc., and (ii) that, in the course of the 20th century, there has been a significant increase in the relative frequency of the ‘auxiliarised’ + participle order.


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