Volume 29, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1384-5845
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1171



In this article I argue that A+P adverbs like ‘aloud’ and ‘at full length’ are words composed of an adjective ( ‘hard’, ‘long’) and an intransitive adposition (a particle or sometimes a locational adposition) functioning as a suffix. This description differs from Corver’s (2022), according to whom the expressions are adpositional phrases. His analysis is meant to illustrate six points of view that have become constants in generative grammar. I follow these constants, but because of a partially different application, the result is different. Corver treats the P in these expressions as if it were used transitively, which leads to a description that is semantic in nature, but presented as abstract and syntactic.


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