Volume 29, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1384-5845
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1171



Middle Dutch sports a number of verbs whose past participle occurs without the characteristic -prefix, because of their inherently perfective aspect: (‘stay’), (‘bring’), (‘come’) (‘(under)go’), (‘find’) and (‘become’). This article presents a multivariate analysis of a corpus study on 2683 tokens of these Middle Dutch participles. It confirms earlier hypotheses on the Hollandic origin of the - ausgleich, and finds that versified texts lag behind in the innovation. The fitted trajectory of the verbs shows that the change is set off and led by , but finds that it gains particular traction with and . The effect is unlikely to be due to frequency effects, but rather due to homonymy avoidance in the verbal paradigm and to sociolinguistic factors: (Late) Middle Hollandish probably imported the -prefix from Brabant, but without the nuanced semantic sensitivity. Later, the prestigious Hollandic forms in the perfectiva simplicia rolled back to the South, probably catalysed by systematicity pressure.


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