Volume 41, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 2542-6583
  • E-ISSN: 2590-3268



This article takes its starting point in the repetition of 1 Kings 19:9b-10 in 13b-14. This duplicate cannot be explained by a literary-critical or narratological solution alone. In the story of the encounter with JHWH the style figure of flash-back (‘nachholende Erzählung’) is present. In the time-order of the narration 9b-10 and 13b-14 are successive but in the narrated time they are synchronous. The author has placed the dialogue of God with Elijah in anachrony before 11-13a in order to emphasize Elijah’s despair.

In the second part of the article it is argumented that elements from the theophany ‘tempest - fire - earthquake’ are not referring to Baal but to the way JHWH has revealed Himself in 1 Kings 18. The theophany on Mount Horeb gives a theological counter-weight to the revelation on Mount Carmel.


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