Volume 56, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 2542-6583
  • E-ISSN: 2590-3268


Recently the view has been defended that amongst the inhabitants on the island of Elephantine in Southern Egypt a ‘heavily syncretistic’ form of Yahwism is found. This article surveys the existing evidence and arrives at the following conclusions: (1) The Yahwists of Elephantine cannot yet be depicted as Jews; (2) Y/Yahȏ was the main deity of the group who had been recruitcd by the Persians from the province of Yehud; (3) Three other deities have been venerated by this group in connection with Yhwh/Yahȏ: Anath-Yahȏ/Bethel; Eshem-Bethel and Herem-Bethel. They should, however, not be classified as independent deities, but as aspects of the Israelite divine.


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