Volume 57, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 2542-6583
  • E-ISSN: 2590-3268



Among the inscriptions in mosaic pavements in Byzantine quoting texts from the Old Testament there is a group, in which the inscriptions are accompanied by a figurative representation of the text in question. Here, the quotation and representation of Isa. 65:25 (= Isa. 11:6-7) are reviewed. Text and representation are found side by side in Ma’in, whereas the figurative representation alone is found in a dozen of other localities (churches and synagogues). This Old Testament text is part of a prophecy promising a peaceful kingdom to Jerusalem. Based on the comments of Isa. 65:25 (=Isa. 11:6-7) by some of the Early Christian writers the rendering of this text in churchbuildings may be interpreted as a motif of the Peaceful Kingdom to come and of the unity of the Christians.


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