Volume 29, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 0929-8592
  • E-ISSN: 2667-1689



Whereas classical philological research aimed to present a convincing reconstruction of the original text, more recent philological research, i.e. material philology, focuses on the transmission of texts and their (unique) variation as such. One text in Middle Dutch that had an exceptionally successful transmission is the thirteenth-century by the Flemish poet Jacob van Maerlant. In order to better understand this transmission, this article offers a diplomatic edition of an unpublished fragment, discovered by Herman Pleij in 1986 in the of Lyon. On the basis of a comparison with other text witnesses, we have been able to observe that the variants of the manuscript mainly cluster with the manuscript (c. 1475), the printing (1496) and with the manuscript (c. 1375-1400). The variants of (ca. 1380-1385), the Brabant printing (ca. 1496), the fragment from Cologny (ca. 1375-1400) and the Brabant fragment (ca. 1375-1400) also cluster with . These fragments were mainly written in Brabant at the end of the fourteenth century, demonstrating that Maerlant’s text was also distributed outside Flanders. Moreover, the text witnesses (ca. 1450) and (ca. 1400) all come from single-quire manuscripts. The rise of this easily producible text carrier may explain why the had such a successful transmission.


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