Volume 75 Number 2
  • ISSN: 0039-8691
  • E-ISSN: 2215-1214



In Colloquial Belgian Dutch (CBD) , a special form of the second person singular of (‘to be’), has appeared, which blends the historically traditional form with Standard Dutch from . A logistic regression analysis and general additive model of CBD tweets show that is popular only in the Brabant dialect area and that usage is highest in the northern Antwerp area. is also more likely to appear in tweets with general statements rather than conversations, which hints at a formality difference. Tweets thought to come from women also feature more . It is plausible that was able to spread throughout the Brabant dialect area because of a formality reinterpretation. While the form likely originates from the northern Antwerp dialects, it might have been reinterpreted as an innovative, hybrid form in CBD, but only in the Brabant area.


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