oa En dan zit je met de gebakken peren!
Strategisch manoeuvreren met het argumentum ad consequentiam
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, Volume 41, Issue 1, apr. 2019, p. 47 - 60
- 01 apr. 2019
You have to face to consequences! Strategic maneuvering with the argumentum ad consequentiam
In argumentative discourse fallacies occur regularly, but often they seem not to be noticed by the participants. This also goes for the fallacy known as the argumentum ad consequentiam, in spite of the fact that people generally denounce this fallacy when confronted with clea r cases. In this paper it is argued that the explanation of this paradox is that the different types of argumentum ad consequentiam are modes of strategic maneuvering which take on a reasonable appearance when they mimic legitimate pragmatic argumentation or reductio ad absurdum argumentation. The following hypothesis was tested in an experiment: instances of the argumentum ad consequentiam are regarded less unreasonable than clear cases if they are presented as reasonable pragmatic argumentation.