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- Volume 43, Issue 4, 1989
NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion - Volume 43, Issue 4, 1989
Volume 43, Issue 4, 1989
De Peshitta van het O.T. in de recente literatuur
Door P.B. DirksenAbstractThe article gives a survey of Peshitta literature for the post-war period. The literature is divided over three questions: (1) origin of the Peshitta (Jewish? Christian?), (2) relation to the Hebrew text and the ancient versions, and (3) textual history. Emphasis is laid on the availability of many more manuscripts, a study of which has given us new insights in the history of the Peshitta text.
Het verhaal over Susanna als een pre-rabbijnse midrasj bij Dan. 1:1-2
*Bewerking van het openingscollege van de Theologische Faculteit Leiden (14 september 1988). De in dit artikel geformuleerde theorie is in samenwerking met J.W. Wesselius, Leiden, ontwikkeld. Met hem wordt een uitvoerig artikel voorbereid, waarin nader op de vorm van de midrasj(-achtige) toevoeging en de relatie met Jer. 29:21-23 ingegaan wordt. Dank ben ik verschuldigd aan Prof.dr. J. Smit Sibinga voor de lezing van het concept en zijn vele zinvolle suggesties ter verbetering.
Door J.W. van HentenAbstractThe story of Susanna was created as an addition to Dan 1 in order to give an explanation of serious exegetical problems in Dan 1:1-2 and Dan 1:3ss. The point of departure of the midrash was the identification of Susanna’s husband with king Jehoiakim of Dan 1 and of the four children of Susanna and Jehoiakim /Sus 30LXX) with Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.
To a far greater degree than was hitherto supposed the form and contents of Susanna can be connected with elements of the passage Jeremiah 29:21-23, part of Jeremiah’s letter to the Judean exiles in Babylon.
Schleiermacher en Feuerbach
Door Nicolaas GrootAbstractIn his interpretation of Schleiermacher’s theory of religion, Feuerbach works with an inadequate concept of feeling. Nevertheless it should be recognized that in The Essence of Christianity he displays an excellent understanding of Schleiermacher’s theory. This understanding is most likely founded on a thorough reading of the relevant passages in The Christian Faith (1st ed. §§8-11). Feuerbach goes along with Schleiermacher’s objections to the idealistic criticism of anthropomorphisms. Furthermore he accepts Schleiermacher’s challenge to those denying that God can be immediately perceived in feeling in his attempt to show that the highest being is given in reality in man as a species.
Signalement: Het Theologisch-Psychiatrisch Gezelschap, 1945-1953
Door J.A. van BelzenAbstractThe article deals briefly with the history of an almost forgotten Theological-Psychiatric Association (1945-1953), one of the rare places in those days where theologians and psychiatrists discussed problems of common interest. An unknown and until now unedited paper which H.C. Rümke read in the Association is presented and the report of the discussion about it.
In his paper Rümke gives a short overview of the relation between demonological and scientific explanations in psychopathology. Psychiatric approaches that regard the inner life of the patient can also regard religion. He briefly discusses the theme ‘religion and transference’. The discussion deals with themes like: religious honesty and religious appeal, differences between the perspective of a theologian and a psychiatrist, the conception of man and health, psychoanalysis and religion, and others.
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