Open Access at AUP | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online

Open Access at AUP

Amsterdam University Press (AUP) has been a pioneer in Open Access publishing for many years. AUP offers authors a variety of different options for publishing journal in Open Access. AUP journals are published on state-of-the-art platforms and offer all required services for journals.

Amsterdam University Press publishes full Open Access journals and subscription journals. Our subscription journals have Green OA and delayed open access after two years. We also offer Gold Open Access for authos who require immediate OA in one of our subscription journals. 

Diamond Open Access

The journal is fully sponsored by an institute, academic society or research group, often the owners of the journal. There are no fees for authors. AUP publishes the following journals in Diamond Open Access:

Subscribe to Open (S2O)

As the first scholarly publisher in the humanities and social sciences, AUP introduces the Diamond Open Access model Subscribe to Open. In this pioneering model, subscriptions are converted to sponsorships, allowing existing subscribers to show their support for Open Access. This model has no other income than that generated by subscriptions, so there is no "double-dipping". Journals that have been opened up in this way so far are:

Gold Open Access and Hybrid Journals

Often referred to as ‘Gold Open Access’, this model relies on Article Processing Charges (APCs) to fund Open Access publication within a journal. Amsterdam University Press has competitive rates for APCs, starting as low as EUR 750 (excl. VAT).
 Hybrid Journals are subscription journals in which authors can publish in immediate OA in exchange for an APC. To avoid double-dipping AUP will adjust the subscription price of a journal if a certain number of articles are published in OA on a regular basis. 

Delayed Open Access

All our subscription journals have delayed open access, which means that they become Open Access two years after publication.

Green Open Access

AUP is supportive of Green Open Access initiatives and encourage authors to share the author’s version of their journal articles in institutional repositories, their personal website and on Mendeley, ResearchGate or and similar outlets. AUP has no embargos (delay / waiting time) for Green Open Access.

The author’s version is the manuscript after peer-review and accepted for publication, for instance as MS Word file, RTF or PDF, but not the AUP print proof or final PDF. When you share this version, please credit the article’s version of record: this is the article in the original journal on the platform Please include the DOI (digital object identifier) for chapters and journal articles (which looks like this: to make it easy for readers to cite the article.

Choice and availability

AUP's Open Access journals are published on of two platforms:

For questions and information please contact Director of Academic Publishing Irene van Rossum at [email protected]. You can view all of our journals here.

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