Volume 41, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1384-6930
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7286


Singlemedium- versus multimedia campaigns: exposure effects on implicit versus explicit memory, brand attitude and purchase intention

Singlemedium- versus multimedia campaigns: exposure effects on implicit versus explicit memory, brand attitude and purchase intention

The aim of this study is to introduce an alternative method to determine the potential synergy effects of multimedia campaigns. By making use of an implicit memory measure in combination with the common explicit measures, the scope and limits of the synergy effect were explored. Eighty-two participants were exposed to one of four media conditions (two multimedia conditions and two repeated medium conditions). The results showed a number of effects in favor of the multimedia campaigns. Participants seem to learn implicitly from repeated exposure to an advertisement message in multiple media, because priming only improved the memory performances of participants in the multimedia conditions. In the same way, participants in the synergistic conditions formed higher purchase intentions. These increased purchase intentions occurred without a significantly more favorable attitude compared to the repeated condition, this result may confirm that implicit memory is closer to the behavioral tendencies of consumers.


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