Volume 108, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0002-5275
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1244



Utopias are much more prone to realization than people would have thought possible, according to Berdiaeff. In the twentieth century, we have witnessed realized totalitarian utopias (such as the ‘really existing socialism’ in East Germany). In the twenty-first century, late modern, capitalist society seems well under way towards the construction of another kind of realized utopianism. Recent developments in today’s health care system (changes in the very meaning of health and care, in medicine and nursing, and even in the ethics of care) all point in the same direction: the growing hold of (the expression is Kolnai’s) on crucial aspects of human life and society. Must we not agree with Berdiaeff that insight in the new ‘realized’ utopianism should induce us to dream ‘of a non-utopian society less “perfect”, but more free’?2


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): health care; Kolnai; political correctness; realized utopia; utopianism
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