Volume 31, Issue 2024
  • ISSN: 1381-0065
  • E-ISSN: 2772-7726



On 1 April 1522, Jan van Doesborch published in Antwerp his for the year 1524, which appears to be largely a translation of the German compilation text . This prognostication, like its German counterpart, covers the years 1518 to 1524. This seems rather out of date. The two main questions that are answered in the article are why Doesborch thought there was still a market for the text and, on the other hand, how relevant the text still was to an Antwerp reader. Jonathan Green’s thesis that the recalibration of what has been predicted in the past is the most important function of prognostications turns out to be relatively correct. Future data can indeed be adjusted relatively easily. At the same time, however, the article shows that this Pronosticatie for 1524 actually contains predictions and prophecies that would have been disturbingly recognisable and relevant to a reader in Antwerp in 1523.


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