Volume 29, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 1384-5845
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1171


Dutch morphologically complex caritive adjectives ending in ‘-less’ present three explananda. [] Where there is a choice between a variant including a linking morph (‘’) to the immediate left of and one lacking a , this choice is usually not random: in alternating pairs, the -less forms tend to have a literal interpretation while the forms with a frequently show a certain degree of semantic specialisation. [] Nominalisation of forms with ‘-ness, -hood’ can shift main stress to , particularly when a precedes . [] For forms with variable stress, stress on can give rise to an interpretation pertaining to events/situations rather than to individuals. This paper accounts for all three properties, built upon an analysis of the morphosyntax of caritive according to which the presence of a requires a syntactic derivation involving a complex predication structure while the structure of forms without is ambiguous in principle between a syntactically complex one and an alternative involving compounding.


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