oa ‘Het lazaren huys buyten’
Stadsleprozen en zichtbare segregatie in de middeleeuwen
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Historische Geografie, Volume 7, Issue 3, Sep 2022, p. 257 - 268
- 01 Sep 2022
‘Het lazaren huys buyten’. City lepers and visible segregation in medieval times
In late medieval time we see an increase in the number of leper houses near cities in Northwestern Europe. It is noticeable that these houses are generally located outside the city walls. This segregation of lepers can be traced back to centuries before the Middle Ages. As early as the book of Mozes (Leviticus) there are passages about isolating lepers outside the community. In the late Middle Ages, many city councils decided to make housing and laws to get a grip on this special group of the ill. City councils also have religious motives for founding leprosaria.
© Daan van Leeuwen