oa Opvallend orthodox
Het Reformatorisch Dagblad als bevindelijk gereformeerd antwoord op de jaren zestig
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Trajecta, Volume 30, Issue 1, Mar 2021, p. 118 - 149
A new newspaper, the Reformatorisch Dagblad (RD), came into existence in the sixties. The driving force behind its emergence was the dissatisfaction over the social changes at the time. Many Orthodox Protestants of the time had the feeling that trusted certainties, in terms of sexual morality, the Sunday and the authority, have been suddenly relinquished. Media such as Trouw played an important role in this process. Unlike before, this daily newspaper wanted to organise discussions, even about Holy Houses. The RD had to safeguard the certainties and protect the Orthodox Protestant environment from society. Therefore, the symbols of the sixties, such as sports and television, were excluded from the new newspaper. Owing to this disposition and the binding to the Orthodox Protestants, the RD holds a unique position in Dutch journalism. Only by going back to the sixties will it be possible to comprehend this newspaper.