Volume 49, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1384-6930
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7286



This article gives an overview of five major challenges in the field of science communication – with a focus on the Dutch/Flemish situation and the role that communication scientists can play in tackling these challenges.

  1. The research field is fragmented and the balance between the practical and academic aspects of science communication can be improved.
  2. In policies there is a large emphasis on society, whilst science communication should also be a dialogue society.
  3. Connecting with society is the third mission of universities, but reward systems for scientists who do this are rudimentary and should be improved.
  4. Incorrect science news is at least partly caused by universities sending out exaggerated press releases. Researchers should take responsibility for how their own universities communicate about their work.
  5. Social sciences and humanities are underrepresented both in science communication activities and science communication research and should be involved more.


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