Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis
(The Journal of the Royal Society for Music History of The Netherlands)
About this journal
TVNM is the journal of the Royal Society for Music History of The Netherlands (KVNM) which was founded in Amsterdam on 19 November 1868 under the name Vereeniging voor Nederlandsche Muziekgeschiedenis (Society for Music History of The Netherlands). The desgnation 'Koninklijk' (Royal) was granted in 1994. The KVNM is the oldest musicological association in the world. More information on the Society can be found here.
The KVNM is The Netherlands' professional association of musicologists and publishes scholarly works on music history of The Netherlands and the Low Countries such as the New Josquin Edition.
The TVNM welcomes articles on music and music history of the Netherlands (in the broadest sense of the word) from the Middle Ages to modern times, including musical analysis, iconography and organology, popular music and cultural studies.
Editorial inquiries may be sent to: [email protected].
Submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail; decisions normally take about one or two months. Authors of accepted articles will be requested to provide the text digitally, and are kindly requested to follow our Directions to contributors. The TVNM works with a double-blind peer review procedure. For instructions and more information, please see Review procedure for submitted articles.
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press / Royal Society for Music History of The Netherlands
Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Robert Adlington
Prof. Dr. Abert Clement (editor-in-chief)
Dr. Philomeen Lelieveldt
Prof. Dr. Katelijne Schiltz
Dr. Marcel Zijlstra