Nederlandse Letterkunde | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online

Nederlandse Letterkunde

Journal for Dutch Literary Studies

Aims and scope

Nederlandse Letterkunde (Journal for Dutch Literary Studies) is a high quality peer-reviewed academic journal. The journal publishes research in the field of Dutch literature from medieval times up until the present. It specifically aims at publishing innovative research with a focus on literary contexts (cultural history, media studies, institutional research). The journal publishes articles with clear hypotheses and methodology and focusses on recent and timely research, and we expressly encourage young researchers to submit their work as they will receive guidance during writing and peer-review. 

Peer review statement

The journal publishes articles with clear hypotheses and methodology and focusses on recent and timely research, and we expressly encourage young researchers to submit their work as they will receive guidance during writing and peer review.

Editorial office

Dr. Marieke Winkler
Open Universiteit
Vondellaan 202
3521 GZ Utrecht

email: [email protected]

Before submitting an article, please download and read the Instructions for Authors.


Prof. dr. Lars Bernaerts, Universiteit Gent
 Dr. Anna Dlabacova, Universiteit Leiden
 Prof. dr. Gaston Franssen, Universiteit van Amsterdam
 Dr. Nina Geerdink, Universiteit Utrecht
 Dr. Esther Op de Beek, Universiteit Leiden
 Dr. Jan Rock, Universiteit van Amsterdam
 Dr. Tom Sintobin, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
 Dr. Marieke Winkler, Open Universiteit

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