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- Volume 18, Issue 4, 2005
Gedrag & Organisatie - Volume 18, Issue 4, 2005
Volume 18, Issue 4, 2005
Telewerk en organisatieattractiviteit: een persoon-organisatiefitbenadering
Auteurs: Mieke Heymans & Greet Van HoyeTelework and organizational attractiveness: a person-organization fit perspectiveTelework and organizational attractiveness: a person-organization fit perspective
Mieke Heymans & Greet Van Hoye, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 18, August 2005, pp. 199-209
This study examined whether offering telework in recruitment advertisements can influence organizational attractiveness to potential applicants. From a person-organization fit perspective, we further examined whether the Big Five personality factors moderate the effect of telework on organizational attractiveness. To this end, 201 Belgian economy graduate students evaluated a recruitment advertisement that either mentioned the possibility of telework or not. The results showed that potential applicants generally were attracted more to organizations offering telework than to organizations that did not. Furthermore, we found that participants scoring high on altruism rated organizations offering telework as more attractive than participants scoring low on altruism.
De waarde van de DASS bij verzuimbeleid: sensitiviteit en specificiteit van een psychopathologie-maat
Meer MinderThe value of the DASS in absence policies: Sensitivity and specificity of a psychopathology measureThe value of the DASS in absence policies: Sensitivity and specificity of a psychopathology measure
Veerle Brenninkmeijer, Roland W.B. Blonk, Karen Nieuwenhuijsen & Edwin de Beurs, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 18, August 2005, pp. 210-227
In the present study we examined to what extent the DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scales) is able to discriminate between healthy individuals, individuals with a stress-related disorder, and individuals with more serious psychopathology (anxiety or affective disorder). Differences between groups were first examined with a one-way analysis. Using ROC-curves we subsequently determined the discriminative power and the cut-off points of the DASS. This study shows the discriminative power of the DASS-42 and the DASS-21 in detecting a stress-related disorder, a clinical anxiety disorder, and depression. It is concluded that the DASS is a highly useful instrument for occupational health care, which can improve an effective use of interventions for sick employees.
Leiderschap in organisaties: tot besluit
Auteurs: Claartje Vinkenburg, Paul L. Koopman & Deanne N. Den HartogLeadership in organizations: final remarksLeadership in organizations: final remarks
Claartje Vinkenburg, Paul L. Koopman & Deanne N. Den Hartog, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 18, August 2005, pp. 228-233
In the last two volumes of the journal Gedrag & Organisatie a series of seven articles on 'Leadership in organizations' has been published, presenting recent and ongoing research in the Netherlands. The contributions varied in terms of content and research methods applied. The focus of attention was on transformational or charismatic leadership and on participative leadership. In addition, other issues seem to emerge such as implicit leadership theories, perceptions of leadership, and the role of emotion in leadership. The guest editors plead for more diversity in research methods in future research in this field.
Volumes & issues
Volume 37 (2024)
Volume 36 (2023)
Volume 35 (2022)
Volume 34 (2021)
Volume 33 (2020)
Volume 32 (2019)
Volume 31 (2018)
Volume 30 (2017)
Volume 29 (2016)
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Volume 27 (2014)
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Volume 22 (2009)
Volume 21 (2008)
Volume 20 (2007)
Volume 19 (2006)
Volume 18 (2005)
Volume 17 (2004)