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- Volume 22, Issue 4, 2009
Gedrag & Organisatie - Volume 22, Issue 4, 2009
Volume 22, Issue 4, 2009
Een positieve benadering van arbeid en gezondheid: introductie op het thema
Auteurs: Inge Houkes, Petra Verdonk & Maria PeetersA positive approach to work and health: an introduction to the themeA positive approach to work and health: an introduction to the theme
I. Houkes, P. Verdonk & M. Peeters, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 22, November 2009, nr. 4, pp. 309-315.
The guest editors introduce the theme of this special issue on 'a positive approach on work and health' and briefly describe the various contributions to this issue.
De Zelf-Determinatie Theorie: kwalitatief goed motiveren op de werkvloer
Meer MinderSelf-Determination Theory: about the quality of work motivationSelf-Determination Theory: about the quality of work motivation
A. van den Broeck, H. de Witte, M. Vansteenkiste, W. Lens & M. Andriessen, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 22, November 2009, nr. 4, pp. 316-335.
The call for a positive psychology has stimulated research on optimal functioning both in general and in the context of work. The Self-Determination Theory (SDT) might provide a useful framework in which positive work and organisational psychology can be grounded and might stimulate theoretical developments in this field. Starting from a positive concept of man, ZDT reflects upon different aspects of motivation. In the current paper, we describe ZDT and touch upon its relationships with other, and perhaps more well-known, work and organisational theories. We furthermore discuss the empirical evidence in favour of ZDT and illustrate its practical relevance in the context of work.
Een overzicht van tien jaar onderzoek naar bevlogenheid
Door Arnold B. BakkerWork engagement: An overview of 10 years of researchWork engagement: An overview of 10 years of research
A.B. Bakker, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 22, November 2009, nr. 4, pp. 336-353.
This article gives an overview of recent research on work engagement – a positive work-related state that is characterized by vigour, dedication, and absorption. I discuss the conceptualization, causes, and consequences of engagement. The overview reveals that employees are particularly engaged when they have sufficient (work-related and personal) resources to cope with their job demands. Work engagement has positive implications for job performance. Engaged employees turn out to mobilize their own resources so that they stay engaged. The findings of ten years of research are integrated in an overall model of engagement. This model offers clear starting points for positive interventions that aim to promote employee engagement.
Hoe gezondheidsbeleid de toewijding van werknemers beïnvloedt
Auteurs: Jan Fekke Ybema & Maartje Bakhuys RoozeboomHow health policy influences the dedication of employeesHow health policy influences the dedication of employees
J.F. Ybema & M. Bakhuys Roozeboom, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 22, November 2009, nr. 4, pp. 354-370.
A longitudinal study with three yearly waves of data collection among 1.013 employees was used to examine whether employers' health policy improved dedication of employees. Furthermore, it was examined whether health policy improved autonomy, social support (from supervisor, from colleagues), and organizational justice (procedural, distributive), and whether health policy affects dedication through these job resources. The results showed that health policy at T1 contributed to higher dedication at T3, corrected for dedication at T1. Moreover, health policy did not improve autonomy, but it led to more social support from supervisor and colleagues and to more procedural and distributive justice at T2, corrected for these job resources at T1. The effects of health policy on dedication were partly mediated by more social support from the supervisor and by higher procedural justice. This means that employers should invest in health policy to improve the job resources and dedication of employees.
Het heft in handen nemen
Auteurs: Tinka van Vuuren & Jan Fekke YbemaReturn to work of long-term absent employees: the view of Dutch employers on the amount own initiative of these employeesReturn to work of long-term absent employees: the view of Dutch employers on the amount own initiative of these employees
T. van Vuuren & J.F. Ybema, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 22, November 2009, nr. 4, pp. 371-391.
Employees who are absent for a prolonged period of time are expected to actively contribute to their own return to work. The present study examines how employers rate the employees' own initiative for return to work following long-term sickness absence and how this initiative affects successful return to work. In this study, a sample of 1294 employers in the Netherlands were interviewed (69% response), 608 of whom had recent experience with one or more long-term absent employees. These employers were asked about their experiences and efforts to support the return to work of an employee who had been absent for an extended period of at least thirteen weeks during the past two years. The results of this survey showed that long-term sick employees who took initiatives themselves, were more likely to return to work successfully. The results further indicate that the degree to which the employee has taken personal initiatives tends to depend not only on individual characteristics, such as occupational level and possible elements of dysfunctioning before the sickness absence, but also on the activities undertaken by the employer to support the employee's return to work within the company. The conclusion is that an active contribution of both the absent employee and the employer enhances the likelihood of successful return to work.
Disability Case Management: een meerwaarde bij arbeidsreïntegratie
Auteurs: Elizabeth Tijtgat, Marthe Verjans, Peter Vlerick & Katrien BruyninxThe added value of Disability Case Management in occupational reintegrationThe added value of Disability Case Management in occupational reintegration
E. Tijtgat, M. Verjans, P. Vlerick & K. Bruyninx, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 22, November 2009, nr. 4, pp. 392-410.
The present field study investigates perceptions of employees and other related actors regarding the role of the Disability Case Manager (DCM) in occupational reintegration routes. The qualitative results of 43 cases show the added value of the DCM through its role in translating the legal framework into concrete reintegration advices, in stimulating collaboration within the network, and in synchronizing employees' competences and work demands. However, there is no consensus about the importance of these roles. Limitations and implications of the results are discussed.
Gezondheid en functioneren van moeilijk bemiddelbare bijstandsgerechtigden in een gesubsidieerde baan
Auteurs: Shirley Oomens, Tanja de Jong & Roland BlonkHealth and job performance of people working in sheltered employmentHealth and job performance of people working in sheltered employment
S. Oomens, T. de Jong & R. Blonk, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 22, November 2009, nr. 4, pp. 411-427.
In order to reintegrate a group of people who have received social assistance benefits (WWB) for a long time, the city of Rotterdam started a project called 'Experiment Sheltered Employment'. In this study we investigate the relationship between health complaints and job performance among this group of former unemployed. Our sample consists of 97 people who are working in sheltered jobs. Three months after their placement in sheltered employment, their job performance has been evaluated by their employer. Our results show, that people who in general feel more vital and healthy do perform better in their jobs. The type of health complaints seemed to be unrelated to job performance. Although related, the contribution of health complaints to one's job performance appears to be modest. Job performance was mostly affected by the duration of the unemployment period.
Call for papers voor het themanummer 2010
Auteurs: Jan de Jonge, Judith Sluiter & Fred Zijlstra'Na gedane arbeid is het goed rusten': het is logisch dat we na een periode van hard werken tijd en rust nodig hebben om te herstellen. Bij arbeid gaat het vaak om dagelijks terugkerende inspanningen, die op zich niet schadelijk hoeven te zijn. Doordat ze echter regelmatig terugkeren, kan dit na verloop van tijd stressreacties oproepen. Of dit het geval zal zijn, hangt onder andere af van de mogelijkheden tot herstel tijdens en vooral ná het werk. Herstel kan worden omschreven als 'het proces om de door inspanning geactiveerde psychofysiologische systemen weer te doen terugkeren naar hun uitgangsniveau' (cf. Meijman & Mulder, 1998). Een verhoogde hartslag en bloeddruk kunnen bijvoorbeeld een adaptieve reactie op hoge werkdruk zijn voor de duur van de inspanning. Als de taakeis verdwenen is, en de werknemer ervaart geen werkdruk meer, dan zullen de hartslag en bloeddruk weer terugkeren naar hun normale waarden bij voldoende herstel. Dit proces wordt ook wel homeostatische regulatie genoemd. Wanneer de hersteltijd echter onvoldoende is en zich een nieuwe, veeleisende situatie voordoet, zal een tweede beroep op deze systemen worden gedaan. De werknemer moet daardoor extra inspanning leveren met een nog hogere hartslag en bloeddruk tot gevolg. Dat deze verhoogde psychofysiologische reacties op hun beurt weer hogere eisen stellen aan het herstel, behoeft geen betoog. Aldus kan een cumulatief proces op gang komen, waarbij het psychofysiologische systeem de norm steeds verder moet aanpassen om iedere keer de vereiste inspanning te kunnen leveren. Deze aanpassing wordt door McEwen (1998) allostatische regulatie genoemd. Werkstress bevordert aanpassing, maar langdurige, terugkerende inspanning zonder adequaat herstel leidt tot allostatische belasting met mogelijk chronische stressreacties als extreme vermoeidheid, depressie en slaapklachten tot gevolg. Op deze wijze is het 'na gedane arbeid slecht rusten'.
Call for papers voor de reeks 'Psychologische instrumenten'
In 2006 startte Gedrag & Organisatie met de reeks 'Psychologische instrumenten'. Inmiddels is reeds een aantal artikelen verschenen in deze reeks. We vinden het belangrijk dat Gedrag & Organisatie ook in de toekomst dit soort artikelen blijft publiceren. De artikelen in deze reeks bieden onderzoekers en mensen in de praktijk de gelegenheid om elkaar op de hoogte te brengen van beschikbare onderzoeksinstrumenten. Vandaar dat wij deze reeks opnieuw bij u onder de aandacht willen brengen met deze herhaalde Call for papers.
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