Volume 18, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0921-5077
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7235


Social justice, psychological withdrawal and absenteeism

Social justice, psychological withdrawal and absenteeism

Simone Karregat & Herman Steensma, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 18, June 2005, nr. 3, pp. 139-155.

The social justice phenomenon has rarely been fully associated with absenteeism. Although both forms of justice interact, distributive justice in this context is often over-exposed at the cost of procedural forms of justice. In this study, the effects of both distributional and procedural justice on absenteeism are investigated. Besides a full or partial mediating effect of procedural justice on absenteeism by way of distributional justice, a mediating effect is assumed through psychological forms of withdrawal, such as job dissatisfaction, lack of organizational commitment and both group and individual tolerances towards absenteeism. A study among 90 employees (re-sponse rate 84%) of a for profit service company, showed that the reaction to experienced injustice is psychological rather than behavioural by nature. Feelings of distributive as well as procedural injustice increase job dissatisfaction. Although direct and mediating effects on absenteeism have not been established, the results do not exclude the possibility of an indirect effect through decreased job satisfaction and an increased individual tolerance towards absenteeism.


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