oa Werkdruk in Europa: omvang, ontwikkelingen en verklaringen
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, Volume 22, Issue 1, mrt. 2006,
Work pressure in Europe: extent, trends and explanations
In order to (1) describe the extent of, and developments in high work pace within Europe, (2) position the Netherlands on work pace, and (3) identify causes of work pace in Europe, data from the European Working Conditions Survey are analysed that contain information on work and health from a representative sample of workers in EU member states in 1990, 1995 and 2000. The sample was about 1000-1500 workers per member state each year.
About 60% works at a high pace for at least 50% of their working time (in 2000: EU = 59%, NL= 68%). This was much higher than in the early 90's.
High work pace was explained by high physical job demands, job complexity and working with the computer. High work pace in men is explained by long working hours and tele-working as well, which is non-significant for women. High work pace in low income jobs is determined by high physical load, monotonous work and working non-standard hours.