oa De relatie tussen affect en rechtvaardigheid
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 20, Issue 4, Dec 2007,
The affect-justice linkage
B.M. van Knippenberg & D. De Cremer, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 20, November 2007, nr. 4, pp. 342-355
Organizational processes are largely determined by both affective processes and justice processes. However, the interplay between justice on the one hand and emotions and moods on the other hand has received little attention in the past. Fortunately, empirical studies on the relationship between justice and affect are rapidly emerging. The present paper focuses on the relation between justice and affect on three different levels: The individual level, the interpersonal level and the group level. In due course we will discuss: (1) how a person's justice perceptions may affect his or her moods or emotions and vice versa, (2) what we know about the relationship between justice and affect in dyadic relationships, (3) how emotions may affect collectively shared perceptions of justice, and (4) how justice may affect collectively shared emotions and moods in work groups and teams.