oa Arbeidsvraagstukken vanuit bestuurskundig perspectief: onbekend maakt onbemind
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, Volume 25, Issue 3, sep. 2009,
Labour studies from a public administration perspective: unknown, unloved
This article addresses labour issues within public administration. Recent developments – especially the rise and relative decline of New Public Management – are described. Relevance for other disciplines is discussed, especially the critique within the discipline on the rational model is relevant here. In the second part of the article a content analysis of articles in volumes of TvA is presented. This shows that TvA is relevant for public administration and also the other way around. Nonetheless, only a few public administration scientists publish their work in the journal or read it. Clearly, the mutual relevance between the TvA journal and the public administration discipline can be improved upon.