Volume 23, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0921-5077
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7235


Assessing people for work-related purposes: Diversity, morality and subjectivity

Assessing people for work-related purposes: Diversity, morality and subjectivity

M.Ph. Born, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 23, September 2010, nr. 3, pp. 232-256.

This paper deals with the issue of suitability of the assessment process for an ethnoculturally heterogeneous pool of candidates and investigates whether this process helps organizations in their wish to create a diverse workforce. To what extent do integrity and moral values play a role in this issue? Moral disengagement forms a potential explanation for the fact that blatant rejection of ethnic minority candidates is a big taboo but that this nevertheless still happens. To which degree do regular methods of selection contribute to accurate procedures for a heterogeneous candidate pool and to diversity at work? In comparison to the sole use of cognitive tests, measuring the full arsenal of relevant capabilities, knowledge and skills reduces score differences between ethnic groups, while retaining selection utility. Finally, self-reported personality does not always provide a good representation of personality characteristics of ethnic-minority candidates. Transparent rating and decision making facilitates correct recruitment and selection towards a diverse work force.


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