oa Werkverslaving, een begrip gemeten
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 24, Issue 1, Mar 2011,
Work addiction or workaholism is defined as the uncontrollable need to work excessively hard. Based on this definition, the DUWAS (Dutch Workaholism Scale) is introduced, a brief two-dimensional self-report instrument that includes two correlated subscales of five items each: Working Excessively (WE) and Working Compulsively (WC). Using a national Dutch database (n = 11.060) cut-off scores were computed that allow a classification of levels of workaholism. Analyses (n = 1.166) reveal that particularly the combination of high scores on both WE and CW is unfavorable. It is concluded that the DUWAS is a reliable and valid inventory that can, for instance, be used as a screening tool to identify workaholic employees.