oa Onderzoeksnotitie: De factoriële validiteit en meetinvariantie van de Utrechtse Burnout Schaal
Algemene versie (UBOS-A)
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 25, Issue 2, Jun 2012,
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Research note: The factorial validity and measurement invariance of the Dutch version (UBOS-A) of the Maslach Burnout Inventory
This paper examines the factorial validity and measurement invariance of the Dutch version (UBOS-A) of the Maslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey (MBI-GS). Confirmatory factor analyses of data from security guards (n = 544) and employees of a technology company (n = 799) reveal that the fit of the oblique three factor model with the factors Exhaustion, Cynicism and Reduced Personal Accomplishment was excellent, but these factors don’t have adequate loadings on a higher order burnout factor. With respect to gender complete measurement invariance is observed. With respect to the difference between both industrial sectors partial measurement invariance is observed. The authors conclude that for security guards the questionnaire items might have a different connotation than for technology employees.