Nietzsche tegenover Schmitt | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 112, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0002-5275
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1244



This article concerns the reception of Friedrich Nietzsche by Carl Schmitt with regard to the concept of the . In the 1933 edition of Schmitt states that there is a ‘great metaphysical opposition’ () between his thinking and thinking, the latter of which is associated with Nietzscheans like Alfred Baeumler and Ernst Jünger. It is argued that this metaphysical opposition is best explained in light of Schmitt’s intellectual development from decisionist to concrete order thinker. Moreover, it is argued that the reception of Nietzsche’s concept of the agon by Schmitt took place through Baeumler. Nietzsche’s concept of the agon is best described as a measured productive struggle between opponents who are approximately equal to each other. In the reception of Nietzsche’s concept of the agon a shift of focus occurs from a struggle between individuals to a struggle between collectives. At the same time the social character of the agon is lost, which was expressed in the thought that the individual could only develop his talents in a struggle with others.


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